
WOD for Wednesday 2-29-2012

Five rounds for time of:

20 Goblet Squats
10 Ring Dips
15 Jumping Squats

Finish: Planks and push up planks

Post total time

WOD for Tuesday 2-28-2012


8 rounds of work for :20 sec. followed by :10 sec. rest

Battle Ropes
Sit Ups
Battle Ropes
Pull Ups


WOD for Monday 2-27-2012

5 rounds for time of:
20 Push Presses - 75#/55#
15 Kettlebell Swings - 24kg/16kg
10 Pull-ups

Post total time.

New Basic Training Class Information

Hello! I know everyone has been waiting for this information. I apologize, but I've been a bit overwhelmed over the past few days but for good reasons. The new building is awesome! The painting is done and the new pull up rig is installed. We are expecting all of our new equipment to be onsite by the end of the week and ready for the Basic Training classes beginning the week of March fifth.

I have made some time adjustments to accommodate my existing classes and new members.

I need you to schedule your Intro Basic Training Class for the first week.

Basic Training Classes for the week of March 5th are at the following times:

Monday - 9:00 am, 11:30 am, 6:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Tuesday - 9:00 am, 11:30 am, 6:00 pm & 7:00 pm

PLEASE ONLY SIGN UP FOR ONE OF THESE CLASSES. We will schedule the rest of the week when you get into your first class. Additionally, I know many of you have stated that you are joining/bringing friend(s). Please share this email with them and forward me their contact info so I can keep them in the loop.

Email me your class preference. If you have difficulty attending any of these please let me know and I will try and schedule something with you. If I have at least 3 people I will add additional Basic Training Class times!

Again, anyone joining by March 1st will receive the $50 intro price for 12 months with NO CONTRACT. Also, if you refer at least three people who maintain membership for at least 90 consecutive day, you will receive a FREE month of membership. NO LIMIT! After March 1st, the monthly rate is $75. Police, fire, military, EMT's and teachers are $65.

The address for the new building is:

3210 Old Cape Rd.
Jackson, MO 63755

We are located next to Cape Starter & Alternator Just off E. Jackson Blvd. near Walmart in the former Athlete's Plus building. (all brick with copper roof)

Again, feel free to contact me with any questions. I will put this info on our website and facebook page as well.

Blake Guilliams

This is what we do here...

WOD for Friday 2-24-2012

Back Squats


Finish: Double Unders


WOD for Thursday 2-23-2012

5 rounds for time of:
50m Shuttle Run
30 Overhead Squats
15 Box Jumps

Finish: Hollow Rocks

WOD for Wednesday 2-22-2012


30 Clean & Jerk for time


WOD for Tuesday 2-21-2012

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

400 meter run
10 Deadlifts


WOD for Monday 2-20-2012


For Time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 ABMAT Sit-ups
100 Air Squats

Post total time.

New Location!!!

March 1st we will begin training in our new 3000 sq. ft. location:

3210 Old Cape Rd.
Jackson, MO 63755

We will be modifying the current schedule and adding/changing class times.

The next "Basic Training" beginner's class will start Monday March 5th at 6pm. Contact us for details.


WOD for Saturday 2-18-2012

12 Min. AMRAP

Station rotation with "rabbit"

15 Wall ball shots
Kettlebell Swings 35/53
Pull Ups/Jumping Pull Ups

Buddy med ball passes 20 reps each direction
Battle ropes 4 sets X 4 movements :30/:10


WOD for Friday 2-17-2012

Back Squat


200m run between each set

WOD for Thursday 2-16-2012


150 Wall Ball Shots FT


WOD for Wednesday 2-15-2012


Push Press (55#/75#)
Jumping Lunges
Sit Ups
Battle Ropes

Post total reps completed.

Finish/skill: Kipping pull-ups

WOD for Tuesday February 14, 2012

12 Min AMRAP

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (SDHP)
10 Box Jumps

4 X :30 Supermans
2 X 10 KTE

Happy Birthday Maggie Moo!!!


More good news...

Good stuff keeps happening!!!! I received our acceptance letter today to become and official CrossFit Affiliate!!!


WOD for Saturday 2-11-2012


Kettle bell swings (35lb./53lb.)
Sit ups

Push up twists
Push up planks


WOD for Friday 2-10-2012

Front Squats


Planks 2 X :30 front & sides
2 X 10 Knee twist push ups
2 X 10 Plank push ups



We have a new URL for the website: www.garagefit.net

Lot's of great things are happening at Garage Gym Fitness!!! Starting next week, you will be able to schedule classes or purchase a membership online through our website. Stay tuned for more information. This will simplify the scheduling process and you will be able to schedule anytime!

It's been a great week and everyone is working really hard. GREAT JOB!!!

Keep up the good work and I will post details when available about the new scheduling option.




WOD for Wednesday 2-8-2012

"The Seven"

Seven rounds for time of:

7 Push-ups
7 Sit-ups
7 Med ball thrusters
7 Med ball deadlift
7 Kettlebell swings
7 Box dips
7 Burpees


WOD for Tuesday 2-7-2012

Three rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
15 Pull-ups
50 Squats
15 Pull-ups

Post total time.

Finish: Russian Lunges 3 X 10


WOD for Monday 2-6-2012


8 rounds of 20sec on/10sec off.

Med Ball cleans (14lb/20lb)
Sit Ups
Push Ups

Lowest rep count is your score.


Wall Squats 4 X :30 sec.


WOD for Thursday 2-2-12

2 rounds warm up

AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 20 minutes of:

200 m Run
5 Deadlifts (50%)
10 Box Jumps (24/20")

Post total rounds.

Finish: Hollow Rocks 4 X :30


WOD for Wednesday 2-1-2012

2 Rounds warm up

Four Rounds for time of:

10 Clean & Jerk
15 Ring Dips
20 Jumping Squats

Finish: 2 rounds 10 KTE & 20 Abmat Sit ups